The siren wails, the lights flash bright,
Urgent call to a crime in sight,
Officer drives with utmost speed,
To help someone in dire need.

But as they near the scene, they see,
A donut shop that tempts their spree,
They fight the urge, they stay in line,
But hunger's grip is hard to decline.

They park the car, they step outside,
But then a call comes through the ride,
A crime in progress, it's nearby,
They turn to leave, but then they spy.

The donut shop, right down the street,
Their craving wins, they take the heat,
A u-turn made, they go back now,
For one more bite, they just allow.

Back at the shop, they grab a treat,
Their hunger sated, taste so sweet,
But time is ticking, they must go,
To reach the scene, and stop the foe.

They rush back to the waiting car,
Their donut box, now left ajar,
And as they drive towards the fray,
They know the cost they'll have to pay.

For they arrive too late, they see,
The damage done, the agony,
Regret sets in, they feel the weight,
Of donuts and a missed escape.

They learn a lesson, hard and true,
To put their duty in clear view,
For in the end, it's not the treats,
But lives they save that won't retreat.

They vow to keep their focus keen,
And not let cravings cloud their scene,
For in the end, it's what they do,
To serve and protect, the many and the few.
