A Filipina girl with eyes so bright Rides up the mountains with all her might Her basket full of rice so white To the geothermal plant, she takes flight

The steam rises up from the earth A source of power and of worth But for her, it's something else entirely A way to cook her rice so finely

She sits and waits as the steam rises high And cooks her rice with a watchful eye But as she eats, she tastes the sulfur flavor A disappointment she can't ignore or savor

Still, she brings the rice back down the mountain For her and her American husband to savor and dine A 150-year-old man, weathered and wise Their love a mix of cultures and ages that mesmerize

As they savor the rice, the flavor now mild They think of the mountains and age gaps, so grand and wild The power of nature, both strong and free A gift to them, a true destiny

For though they come from different lands Their love and bond forever stands For in this moment, they are content Their hearts and souls forever spent.

Rice is Love